Parking deck slated for repairs

The nearly 20-year-old parking deck downtown is slated to get more than a half-million dollars in repairs this year.

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City Council introduced an ordinance (O-27-22) during its June 13 regular meeting to “authorize the undertaking of structural concrete repairs” to the Rahway Transportation Center Garage, otherwise known as the Lewis Street parking deck. The ordinance, which will come up for a public hearing and final adoption at City Council’s next regular meeting on July 11, will appropriate $525,000 as part of the first phase of repairs to the parking facility.

Restoration work is expected to run from July until November, according to a nine-page proposal from Blue Bell, Pa.-based THA  Consulting. THA, previously known as Tim Haahs Associates, designed the Rahway Transportation Center in the early part of this century. The firm also completed restoration services in 2018 and performed a conditional appraisal, issuing a report in May, according to the proposal.

The six-story, 524-space parking deck opened in December 2004, built at a cost of $11 million.

In 2018, the city dissolved the Parking Authority, which had been an autonomous agency overseen by a five-member board of commissioners, appointed by City Council. The Parking Authority was replaced with a Parking Utility, under the purview of city government.

THA Consulting, which has three additional offices, including New Brunswick, previously has done work in Rahway. Then known as Haahs & Associates, the firm won a Smart Growth Award in 2008 from New Jersey Future for its concept design of Rahway Town Center.

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