Tag Archives: Elm Avenue

Former medical office approved for deli

A former medical office at the corner of Elm and St. George avenues will be renovated and repurposed as a takeout deli.

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Design contract awarded for trestle improvements

City Council awarded another contract related to improvements of three dilapidated train trestles downtown that are owned by Amtrak.

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Redevelopment plan for Esterbrook Ave. coming

A potential redevelopment plan for five Esterbrook Avenue properties could come together over the next couple of months but any concept is likely to be less dense than what’s been initially floated.

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Council to extend Metro Rahway PILOT

A five-year-old downtown building granted a 15-year Payment In Lieu Of Taxes (PILOT) has applied to extend the agreement for another 15 years. Continue reading Council to extend Metro Rahway PILOT

Council approves change to redevelopment plan

An ordinance that would prohibit certain retail and restaurant uses along Block 154 — located between Elm Avenue, and Campbell, Irving, and Broad streets — was approved by City Council on Monday night.

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Planning Board endorses amendment to plan

The Planning Board last week approved changes to the Central Business District Redevelopment Plan that would eliminate convenience retail uses and restaurants as permitted uses along Block 154 downtown.

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