Designs tweaked for Tamarand project

Designs for a 43-unit project proposed for East Cherry Street that includes some new construction and some rehabilitation will be revised and presented to redevelopment officials as early as this week.

East-Cherry-buildingDuring his report to commissioners at their April 6 meeting, Executive Director Leonard Bier said that Tamarand Realty will present subsequent designs as early as today following a meeting last week in which redevelopment officials offered comments on initial designs. He didn’t go into detail on suggested changes.

The Redevelopment Agency appointed Tamarand Cherry, LLC was appointed as redeveloper after presenting the original concept plan in November.

The concept for the 43-unit project originally included almost 4,400 square feet of retail space and a 40-foot wide promenade between East Cherry and Lewis streets. The project calls for razing the single-story New Era building at 61 E. Cherry St. while adding another floor to the adjacent building that currently houses 9 units, plus new construction on a 17-space parking lot along Lewis Street.

West Orange-based Tamarand acquired several lots along East Cherry and Lewis streets as part of a $1.12-million deal last year.

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